RHD and RHCE variant and zygosity genotyping via multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Haer-Wigman L, Veldhuisen B, Jonkers R, Lodén M, Madgett TE, Avent ND, de Haas M, van der Schoot CE. Transfusion, 2013. [Citation]
Annotations by Allele
- apparently standard RHD with unexpected serology: RH1
- apparently standard RHD with unexpected serology: Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHCE*ce667T,697G,712G,733G,744C,787G,800A (ceHAR, ce.22): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD deletion (RHD*01N.01): Prevalence
- RHD*1063A (DNB, RHD*25): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*1136T (DAU0): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): RH1
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*1227A (DEL1): RH1
- RHD*1227A (DEL1): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*178C,201A,203A,594T,667G,744T,957A,1025C (weak D type 29): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,1048C (DIVa): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIIIa): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*209A,998A,1136T (DAU2): RH1
- RHD*209A,998A,1136T (DAU2): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*329C (DVII): Prevalence
- RHD*329C (DVII): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*443G (RHD*01N.73): RH1 (adsorption-elution was performed)
- RHD*443G (RHD*01N.73): otherHaplotype
- RHD*443G (RHD*01N.73): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): RH1
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*486+1A (IVS3+1A, DEL8): RH1 (adsorption-elution does not seem to have been performed)
- RHD*486+1A (IVS3+1A, DEL8): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*48A (W16*, RHD*01N.08): RH1 (adsorption-elution not specified)
- RHD*48A (W16*, RHD*01N.08): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*505C,509G,514T (DFR1, RHD*17.01): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*509C,667G (DOL1, RHD*12.01): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*525T (RHD*59): RH1 (listed as "partial D variant")
- RHD*525T (RHD*59): Serology
- RHD*525T (RHD*59): otherHaplotype
- RHD*525T (RHD*59): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*602G,667G,697C,957A,1025C (DAR2.00): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): RH1 (listed as "partial D variant")
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*667G,676C (DCS1, RHD*16.01): RH1 (listed as "partial D variant")
- RHD*667G,676C (DCS1, RHD*16.01): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*667G,697C,1136T (DAU5): RH1 (listed as "partial D variant")
- RHD*667G,697C,1136T (DAU5): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*676C (DCS2, RHD*16.02): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*697A (DV type 5, DHK): RH1
- RHD*697A (DV type 5, DHK): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): RH1
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*835A,1136T (DAU3): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*835A,1136T (DAU3): RH1
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): RH1
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): RH1
- RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): RH1
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-CE(2)-D(1063A): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-CE(4)-D (DFR2, RHD*17.02): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-cE(4-5)-D (DVI type 1): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-CE(4-6)-D (DVI type 2): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-Ce(5-9)-D (DBT2, RHD*14.02): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-CE(5:667-5:787)-D (DV type 7, DAL): RH1 (listed as "partial D variant")
- RHD*D-CE(5:667-5:787)-D (DV type 7, DAL): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*D-CE(7:1048-7:1061)-D (DIV type 4): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*DIIIa-CEVS(4-7)-D (RHD*03N.01): Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)
- RHD*Dpsi (RHD*08N.01): RH1
- RHD*Dpsi (RHD*08N.01): Prevalence
- RHD*Dpsi (RHD*08N.01): Prevalence
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Prevalence
- weak D type 4.2.x (DAR) - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: Prevalence (samples may have been included in other studies)