Weak D alleles express distinct phenotypes. Wagner FF, Frohmajer A, Ladewig B, Eicher NI, Lonicer CB, Müller TH, Siegel MH, Flegel WA. Blood, 2000. [Citation]
Annotations by Allele
- RHD*1016A (weak D type 7): Density
- RHD*1016A (weak D type 7): Density (Figure 1)
- RHD*1016A (weak D type 7): Serology
- RHD*1016A (weak D type 7): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 44 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): AbSpecificity
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): AbSpecificity
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): Density
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): RH1
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): Serology
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): Density (table 3)
- RHD*1177C (weak D type 10): Serology
- RHD*1177C (weak D type 10): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 58 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested, and the 50% of sample's RBC that were successfully stained by the anti-D)
- RHD*1177C (weak D type 10): Density
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): Serology
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): Density
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): AbSpecificity
- RHD*29A (weak D type 6): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 5 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*29A (weak D type 6): Density
- RHD*329C (DVII): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 58 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*329C (DVII): Density
- RHD*340T (weak D type 17): Prevalence
- RHD*340T (weak D type 17): RH1
- RHD*340T (weak D type 17): Serology
- RHD*340T (weak D type 17): rhesus (not calculated because epitope density was too low)
- RHD*340T (weak D type 17): Density
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Prevalence
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Density
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Prevalence
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 57 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): Density (table 3)
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): Density
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): Serology
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): RH1
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): Serology
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): Density
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,744T,957A,1025C (weak D type 4.2.2, DAR1.02): RH1
- RHD*602G,667G,744T,957A,1025C (weak D type 4.2.2, DAR1.02): AbSpecificity
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Serology
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Density
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Density (Figure 1)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Density (table 3, listed as "weak D type 4", assumed RHef00313, considering the Ag density of RHef00315 clearly listed in Table 5)
- RHD*602G,667G,957A,1025C (weak D type 4.2.1, DAR1.01): RH1
- RHD*602G,667G,957A,1025C (weak D type 4.2.1, DAR1.01): AbSpecificity
- RHD*658C (weak D type 16): Serology
- RHD*658C (weak D type 16): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 54 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*658C (weak D type 16): Density
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): Density (table 3)
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): Density
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): RH1
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): AbSpecificity
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): Serology
- RHD*826C (weak D type 13): Serology
- RHD*826C (weak D type 13): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*826C (weak D type 13): Density
- RHD*830A (weak D type 12): Density
- RHD*830A (weak D type 12): Serology
- RHD*830A (weak D type 12): rhesus (not calculated because epitope density was too low)
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): Serology
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): RH1
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 58 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): Density
- RHD*845A (weak partial D type 15): AbSpecificity
- RHD*848T (DHMi, RHD*19): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 54 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*848T (DHMi, RHD*19): Density
- RHD*848T (DHMi, RHD*19): Density (Figure 1)
- RHD*854A (DIM, RHD*34): RH1 (same sample as
11495631 ) - RHD*854A (DIM, RHD*34): Serology
- RHD*854A (DIM, RHD*34): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 20 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*854A (DIM, RHD*34): Density
- RHD*854A (DIM, RHD*34): otherHaplotype (same sample as
11495631 , not counted twice) - RHD*854A (DIM, RHD*34): Prevalence
- RHD*880C (weak D type 9): Serology
- RHD*880C (weak D type 9): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*880C (weak D type 9): Density
- RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): Density
- RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): Serology
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): Serology
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): Density (table 3)
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): Density (Figure 1)
- RHD*8G (weak D type 3): Density
- RHD*919A (weak D type 8): Serology
- RHD*919A (weak D type 8): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 59 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*919A (weak D type 8): Density
- RHD*D-CE(3-6)-D (DVI type 3): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 17 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*D-CE(3-6)-D (DVI type 3): Density
- RHD*D-cE(4-5)-D (DVI type 1): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 14 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*D-cE(4-5)-D (DVI type 1): Density
- RHD*D-CE(4-6)-D (DVI type 2): rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 18 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*D-CE(4-6)-D (DVI type 2): Density
- RHD*D-CE(6-9)-D (DIV type 3): Density
- RHD*D-CE(6-9)-D (DIV type 3): rhesus (1 RH:1,2,-3,-4,5 sample with possible suppressive effect of dCe in trans; derived from the results obtained with 17 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- RHD*D-CE(6-9)-D (DIV type 3): Serology (same sample as
9864185 ) - standard RHD (RHD*01): rhesus (RH:1,-2,-3,4,5 sample used as control)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): rhesus (RH:1,2,-3,4,5 sample used as control)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Density
- standard RHD (RHD*01): rhesus (RH:1,2,3,4,5 sample used as control)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Density
- standard RHD (RHD*01): rhesus (RH:1,2,-3,-4,5 sample used as control)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Density
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Density
- standard RHD (RHD*01): rhesus (RH:1,-2,3,4,5 sample used as control)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): rhesus (Rhesus Index expected for standard RhD)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Density (Figure 1)
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Density
- weak D type 4.2.x (DAR) - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: rhesus (derived from the results obtained with 58 of the 59 monoclonal IgG anti-D tested)
- weak D type 4.2.x (DAR) - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: Density
- weak D type 4.2.x (DAR) - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: Serology