Weak D in the Tunisian population. Ouchari M, Romdhane H, Chakroun T, Abdelkefi S, Houissa B, Hmida S, Yacoub SJ. Blood Transfus, 2015. [Citation]
Remark: study may overlap with
Annotations by Allele
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): otherHaplotype (6 heterozygous samples, probably with RHef00442)
- RHD*1154C (weak D type 2): Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - RHD*446A (weak D type 5): otherHaplotype (1 heterozygous sample, probably with RHef00442)
- RHD*446A (weak D type 5): Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): RH1 (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): AbSpecificity
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): otherHaplotype (4 heterozygous samples, probably with RHef00442)
- RHD*809G (weak D type 1): Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): otherHaplotype (1 heterozygous sample, probably with RHef00442)
- RHD*885T (weak partial D type 11): Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - RHD*8G (weak D type 3): Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: Prevalence (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: RH1 (study may overlap with
24014941 ) - weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: RH1 (1 sample, attributed to suppressive effect of dCe haplotype in trans; study may overlap with
24014941 ) - weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: otherHaplotype (7 homozygous samples)
- weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: otherHaplotype
- weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: otherHaplotype
- weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: otherHaplotype
- weak D type 4 - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: otherHaplotype