RHD(T201R, F223V) cluster analysis in five different ethnic groups and serologic characterization of a new Ethiopian variant DARE, the DIII type 6, and the RHD(F223V). Grootkerk-Tax MG, van Wintershoven JD, Ligthart PC, van Rhenen DJ, van der Schoot CE, Maaskant-van Wijk PA. Transfusion, 2006. [Citation]
Remark: some samples overlap with
Annotations by Allele
- DIII - partly characterized or subtypes not seperated: otherHaplotype (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - DIII - partly characterized or subtypes not seperated: otherHaplotype
- DIII - partly characterized or subtypes not seperated: Prevalence (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - DOL - partly characterized or subtypes not separated: Prevalence (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - RHD*1136T (DAU0): otherHaplotype
- RHD*1136T (DAU0): Prevalence
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): Prevalence
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): otherHaplotype (not counted, but 16 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): Prevalence
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): otherHaplotype (not counted, but 3 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C (DIII type 4): otherHaplotype (not counted, but 2 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIIIa): otherHaplotype (16 could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIIIa): Prevalence
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIIIa): Prevalence
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIIIa): otherHaplotype (2 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*186T,410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIIIa): otherHaplotype (3 samples heterozygous with RHef00452; 3 could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): RH1
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): Serology (Table 3)
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): otherHaplotype
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): Prevalence
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): Prevalence
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): Prevalence
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): Prevalence
- RHD*410T,455C,602G,667G,819A (DIII type 6): otherHaplotype (heterozygous with RHef00442)
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): Prevalence
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): otherHaplotype (no sample count possible)
- RHD*48C,602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.1, DAR4): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G (weak D type 4.0.1, DAR3): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G (weak D type 4.0.1, DAR3): otherHaplotype
- RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): otherHaplotype (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Prevalence (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Prevalence (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): otherHaplotype (no sample count possible)
- RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Prevalence (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - RHD*602G,667G,1025C (weak D type 4.2.0, DAR1.00): Serology (Table 3)
- RHD*602G,667G,697C,744T,957A,1025C (DAR2.01): RH1
- RHD*602G,667G,697C,744T,957A,1025C (DAR2.01): Serology (Table 3)
- RHD*602G,667G,697C,957A,1025C (DAR2.00): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,697C,957A,1025C (DAR2.00): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): otherHaplotype (not counted, but 2 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): otherHaplotype (16 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): otherHaplotype (no sample count possible)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): otherHaplotype (heterozygous with RHef00452)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): otherHaplotype (not counted, but 3 samples could be RHef00442 associated with RHef00058 or, less likely, RHef00313 associated with RHef00056)
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*602G,667G,819A (weak D type 4.0, DAR3.01): Prevalence
- RHD*667G (DFV, RHD*08.01): RH1
- RHD*667G (DFV, RHD*08.01): Serology (Table 3)
- RHD*667G (DFV, RHD*08.01): Prevalence
- RHD*667G (DFV, RHD*08.01): otherHaplotype
- RHD*667G,697C,1136T (DAU5): Prevalence
- RHD*667G,697C,1136T (DAU5): otherHaplotype
- RHD*835A,1136T (DAU3): otherHaplotype
- RHD*835A,1136T (DAU3): Prevalence
- RHD*D-ce(2)-DIIIa (DIII type 7): RH1
- RHD*D-ce(2)-DIIIa (DIII type 7): Prevalence
- RHD*D-ce(2)-DIIIa (DIII type 7): RH
- RHD*D-ce(2)-DIIIa (DIII type 7): otherHaplotype
- RHD*DIIIa-CEVS(4-7)-D (RHD*03N.01): otherHaplotype
- RHD*DIIIa-CEVS(4-7)-D (RHD*03N.01): Prevalence
- RHD*Dpsi (RHD*08N.01): Prevalence (some samples overlap with
10590079 ) - RHD*Dpsi (RHD*08N.01): otherHaplotype
- RHD*Dpsi (RHD*08N.01): Prevalence
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Prevalence
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Prevalence
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Prevalence
- standard RHD (RHD*01): Prevalence