Characterization of the hybrid RHD gene leading to the partial D category IIIc phenotype. Beckers EA, Faas BH, Ligthart P, Simsek S, Overbeeke MA, von dem Borne AE, van Rhenen DJ, van der Schoot CE. Transfusion, 1996. [Citation]
Annotations by Allele
- DIIIc - phenotypic description: Prevalence (could be the same as in
10753853 ) - RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): AbSpecificity
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): RH1
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): RH
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Prevalence
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Serology
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): otherHaplotype (6 related individuals)
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Prevalence
- RHD*361A,380C,383G,455C (DIIIc): Serology (Table 1, Table 2)