RHD*17.03 - RHD*DFR3
(ISBT table: RHD partial D v5.0)
This entry is an RHD allele.
DFR-3, RHD(M169L,M170R,I172F,G180A), RHD*505A>C,509T>G,514A>T,539G>C, RHD*505C,509G,514T,539C, RHD*505C,509G,514T,539C (DFR3, RHD*17.03), RHD*D-CE(4:509-4:514)-D(539C), RHD-RHCE(4:509-4:514)-RHD(539C),
Molecular data
Main D phenotype: variable/discrepant (last update: Nov. 17, 2019)Reports by D phenotype
Other RH phenotypes: RH:-3, -4,
Serology with monoclonal anti-D
Antigen Density (Ag/RBC)
More phenotype data
Rhesus Similarity Index
Main CcEe phenotype association: Ce (last update: Nov. 11, 2019)Alloimmunization
Antibodies in carriers
Antibody specificity: D (RH1)
Summary: no published cases (last update: Nov. 17, 2019)Detailed information
Antibodies in D negative recipients
Alloimmunization in recipients: expected to be possible, see phenotype data
Summary: rare descriptions, in individuals of African descent, or compatible with such descent (last update: May 1, 2020)Detailed reports
- 2 samples reported by a German lab from Ulm, Baden-Württemberg
- 1/220 the cohort was composed of 164 Teke-Congolese (ethnic groups: 60 Akwa, 52 Mbochi, 52 Kuyu) from Congo, 19 Mandenka from Senegal, 25 Yoruba from Nigeria, 12 Bantu from Kenya Nonpygmoid Central African
- 0/127 the cohort was composed of 77 Tswa from Congo, 36 Biaka from Central African Republic, 14 Mbuti from Democratic Republic of the Congo Pygmoid Central African
Allele or phenotype frequency
Structure mapping
Movement | Mouse Input | Touch Input | ||
Rotation | Primary Mouse Button | Single touch | ||
Translation | Middle Mouse Button or Ctrl+Primary | Triple touch | ||
Zoom | Scroll Wheel or Second Mouse Button or Shift+Primary | Pinch (double touch) | ||
Slab | Ctrl+Second | Not Available |
- National Center for Biotechnology Information et al. Data from Genbank submission Online ressource, 1982. — Online ressource — [RHeference]
- von Zabern I et al. IVS5-38del4 deletion in the RHD gene does not cause a DEL phenotype: relevance for RHD alleles including DFR-3. Transfusion, 2007. [Citation] [RHeference]
- Flegel WA et al. D variants at the RhD vestibule in the weak D type 4 and Eurasian D clusters. Transfusion, 2009. [Citation] [RHeference]
- Granier T et al. A comprehensive survey of both RHD and RHCE allele frequencies in sub-Saharan Africa. Transfusion, 2013. [Citation] [RHeference]
- Floch A et al. Comment from Rheference Online ressource, 2020. — Online ressource — [RHeference]
Last update: May 1, 2020